Spring Coronation Scribal 2017 - The Beginning
So spring coronation scribal challenge is coming up. As most categories require calligraphy, that puts me out of the running for my calligraphy is just too crappy to be giving to someone as an award. But I have planned to enter the following categories:
* Best Bones
* Best Black Hours
* Best Novice Calligraphy
* Best Bird
* Best Non-Manuscript Source
* Best Astronomical
* Quantity Challenge
First up is going to my Best Bird entry. The original is found in a bestiary from the British Library, Harley MS 4751, Folio 41v.
So far all I have gotten done is the lining of the picture and a start on the blue. I will be making this a little differently than the picture as I believe this is supposed to be art and that means making something your own. Otherwise we could just give out colored photocopies, right?
Then the next one is two categories in one. Best Astronomical and Non-manuscript source. It is from a tapestry, THE BAYEUX EMBROIDERY - MESSENGERS SIGNAL THE APPEARANCE OF HALLEY'S COMET, Norman-Anglo-Saxon, perhaps from Canterbury, Kent, England.c. 1066-1082.
So far all I have done on this is the line work. I have also reversed the comet direction and changed the spacing for what I think will be some interesting letter work when I get to that point. No this one wont be receiving any crappy calligraphy from me, but......
As for the third scroll, it will be the Best Black Hours, Best Skulls/Bones and Novice Calligraphy. Not sure what the wording will be and I hope someone can give me suggestions. But here is the plan for it using two different manuscripts as inspiration. The Morgan Black Hours MS M493 , 22v-23r and Book of HoursFrance, probably Mons, between 1490 and 1500M.33 fol. 180v-181r.
So any feed back is welcome. Any suggestion for the wording on the Black Hours is most needed as this will technically be the first time I am doing it. Thanks!