Since my last post....
Things have been insane for me time-wsie and financially so I have not been able to do much during summer and fall. I have gotten my...
Preparing My Shield
Today I began work on my shield. First thing I had to do is determine where my strap and grip will be while keeping in mind that I will...
Armoring Up - Part One
So now that the income tax has arrived, I have been slowing getting myself ready for heavy weapons. So far I have gotten several pieces...
A Carpet Archery Target
So this weekend I decided to start working on Susanne's archery target as her bow should have been arriving Monday or Tuesday. What I...
Spring Coronation Scribal 2017 - Continued
Well we are closing in for the finish and has been a while since I updated my progress either due to being busy or sick. But I have made...
Coursera: Medieval Manuscript Class - Final Review
Well, the seven week class is finally over for me, about a week ahead of schedule. For the first six weeks of this course, you will have...
Coursera: Medieval Manuscript Class - Week 7
This is the last week of the class which covered book binding. While the lectures contained a lot of information about the different...
Coursera: Medieval Manuscript Class - Week 6
In week six, we are to begin working on our "manuscript" in terms of writing, decorating and illustrating. This 160 page project of mine...
Spring Coronation Scribal 2017 - The Beginning
So spring coronation scribal challenge is coming up. As most categories require calligraphy, that puts me out of the running for my...
Coursera: Medieval Manuscript Class - Week 5
This 5th week of the class was on different writing hands, their ductus, weight and angles. It was a really simple and short week. While...