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Spring Coronation Scribal 2017 - Continued

Well we are closing in for the finish and has been a while since I updated my progress either due to being busy or sick. But I have made a lot of progress and will have a lot of work being brought to Coronation.

First up is my Animals doing Human Things, with a cat shooting arrows at a target....or should I say the Split Arrow Badge within an "O" so add in the best use of a badge challenge too. This one is already finished and you will have to be there to see it or wait until after the event for me to post them.

Cat Source: Book of Hours, MS M.453 fol. 120r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library & Museum

Now let's start looking at the Black Hours scroll I am entering. In the previous post I showed the resources I had intended to use. Well, I started by using a sheet of 11x14 Black Bristol.

To draw my borders and internal boxes I used a pencil and lightly marked them out with a ruler. At first I had intended for one side to contain illumination in the center, but since this will be my first attempt at calligraphy, I decided against it in order to allow me more space to write and leave room for signatures and such.

To draw in all the other details within the border, I used my wooden stylus, which is nothing more than a sharpened wooden dowel. Once that was done I was able to outline everything using silver and gold liquid leaf.

However, all of the outside area of the border decoration is in the light blue style of the Black Book of Hours. All of the gold and silver decorations make use of negative space when I colored them in.

And that is all you get for right now. To see more, either be at the event or wait until I post pictures some time after.

And once I am done with this, I will have one other scroll project I intend to work on before resuming the work on my Black Hours manuscript that will be gifted at 40th.

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